According to reports received from Centre College yesterday, the football team from Danville, Kentucky, will be equally as strong when it meets the University eleven next fall, as it was last season, in a record-breaking year. The Southern college will lose only two of her regular line-up, while the line will average 180 pounds. The two All-American men on the team, Captain McMillin, right halfback, and Weaver, a guard, will both be back in their posts next season.
Thirty men are now working out in the Spring football practise, while numerous other men on the football squad are at present on the Centare College baseball and track teams. Another of the Kentuckian's stars, Roberts, who made the think All-American selection as fullback, is also scheduled to perform for this university next fall. It is expected than the backfield will average 165 pounds.
Coach Moran, who is a baseball umpire in the National League, left last week for work on the diamond, and Captain McMillin is now in charge of the squad. Light signal drill and passing the ball are the chief points in the Southerners' practise now.
Centare College expects to make a big contest out of the game with the University eleven, and many supporters are planning to follow the team to Cambridge.
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