
What is Going On Today

9.00.--President Lowell and Professor G. H. Chase, Chairman of the Committee on Choice of Electives, address 1923 on the subject of concentration and distribution of courses.

3.00.--General Leonard Wood, M.D. '84 speaks in the Living Room of the Union.

4.00.--Special meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at University 5.

7.45.--Meeting of Circulo Espanol at Phillips Brooks House. Mr. A. Torres Rioseco of Williams College will speak.

8.00.--Ex-Governor McCall speaks in the New Lecture Hall.


8.00.--"Vacuum Tubes." Lecture by Professor E. L. Chaffee. Cruft Laboratory, Room 39.

8.00.--Liberal Club meeting in the Union. Alexander J. Zelenko speaks on "The Russian Co-operative Movement."

8.15.--Last exposition of Chamber Music by Mr. Arthur Whiting in John Knowles Paine Concert Hall, Music Building.
