On the first Tuesday following the spring recess, interclass baseball teams will begin a series of games which will last until the Final Examination period. This was decided at a meeting held in the Varsity Club last evening when the presidents and treasurers of the four classes, Major Fred W. Moore '93, Captain R. W. Emmons, 3d, '20, Managers A. E. Kirk '20, and T. R. Thayer '21 discussed the question of interclass baseball.
Interclass baseball will this year take the place of the Leiter Cup series which have been felt to be unsatisfactory. Before the recess Captain Emmons will nominate managers who will also play on the teams, for each of the classes and these men will be responsible for equipping and organizing their teams. Funds for the teams will be secured by subscription by the class treasurers. As little equipment is needed the subscriptions will not have to be large.
A regular schedule of games which will probably be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays is now being arranged by R. E. Anderson '23 who was recently appointed to take charge of interclass baseball here. It is also hoped that games may be arranged with outside teams, and that at the end of the season the winning team will play the winning class team at Yale. The class team winning the series will be awarded numerals to be worn on their caps.
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