The proposal to declare the war at an end by Congressional resolution is, if not actually unconstitutional, at least stupid and illogical, and forms a fitting climax to the mental and moral gymnastics which have characterized the treaty fight in the Senate.
By the proposed resolution, as forecasted by its spokesman, Congress hoped to "bring Germany to a recognition of the return to a state of peace" and "to guarantee the United States all rights it would have gained had we ratified the Treaty of Peace."
In the first place, having failed to confirm our obligations to the world, we propose to wash our hands of the whole affair, at the same time compelling Germany to confirm her obligations to us. Secondly, in default of this confirmation by Germany, we propose to prohibit commercial intercourse with Germany, thus submitting her to a blockade which will stifle her industries, hamper the performance of her obligations to bur allies, and breed anarchy where stability is of all things o be desired. Thirdly, Congress, by imposing terms on Germany, proposed virtually to negotiate a treaty of peace, which power, under the Constitution, is delegated to the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Lastly, the proposed resolution, if passed could not but further befuddle our already sadly confused international relations, and hamper a genuine and clearcut popular expression on the Treaty issue, by the people of the United States.
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