

Authority on Mediaeval Architecture is At Present Lecturer at Yale.

A. Kingsley Porter, the leading American authority on mediaeval architecture, who is now Assistant Professor of the History of Art at Yale, has accepted an appointment as Professor of Fine Arts at the University. He was graduated from Yale in 1904, studied in the School of Architecture at Columbia during the next two years, spent the following five years studying and travelling in Europe, and since 1915 has served on the Yale teaching staff as a lecturer on the History of Art and then as assistant professor. He is the author of several works on mediaeval and Lombard architecture, and is connected with a number of learned societies. Professor Porter was the one American scholar in art and architecture who was singled out by the French Government during the war to assist in developing plans for the reconstruction or preservation of the monuments of France which were damaged during the war. The result of this study and research is also to be embodied in a book which he is now engaged in writing.

To Continue Research Here.

It is expected that while at Harvard he will continue the researches in mediaeval architecture which have made him one of the world's leading authorities on that subject, and perhaps do some advanced teaching in this field.

Francis W. Peabody '03, assistant professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School since 1915, has been promoted to an associate professorship. Dr. Peabody has been connected for many years with the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.

Oakes Ames '98 has been reappointed assistant professor of botany for three years. James Ford '05 and Robert F. Foerster '05 have been reappointed assistant professors of social ethics. In the Medical School, Dr. John Homans '99 has been made instructor in surgery, and Dr. William Carter Quinby '99, has been made instructor in genito-urinary surgery, both for three years.
