


At a meeting last night of the 1923 Executive Board the class activities for the remainder of the year were discussed. Thursday, March 25, was decided upon by the Entertainment Committee as the date for the first Freshman smoker, which will be held in the Union and which will include speeches and movies. The other activities of the Entertainment Committee will be determined at a later meeting of the Board.

It was decided that the Finance Committee will hold a competition for the position of chairman, beginning tonight at 7.15, when the present members of the committee will meet in the Smith Halls Common Room. B. D. Nash '23, secretary-treasurer of the class and chairman ex-officio of the Finance Committee, will have charge of the competition, which will last one week. The member who collects the largest amount of subscriptions to the Class Fund will become chairman, and the four next highest collectors will become sub-chairmen.

Make Plans for Red Book Tonight.

The chairmen of the 1923 Red Book Committees will also hold a meeting tonight to outline the plans for the publication of this year's book. Next Monday evening, March 8, there will be a meeting of all candidates for the four departments; Business, Editorial, Photographic, and Art.

In addition to the names of the members of committees already announced, John Gardiner Flint of Boston is editorial chairman of the Red Book, Willis Bowne Wood of Plainfield, N. J., is a member of the Finance Committee, and Russell Robb, Jr., of Concord, is a member of the Jubilee Committee.
