

Elections Will Not be Valid Hereafter Unless 60 Per Cent. of Class Cast Ballots.

Over five hundred men attended the Freshman smoker held last night in the Living Room of the Union, at which the two amendments to the Class Constitution proposed by the Student Council were unanimously adopted. The amendments, which are to Article 3 of the class constitution, are as follows:

"Section 10. Any election of class officers shall be declared valid if 60 per cent. or more of the members of the class affected shall have voted."

Section 11. If at any election a sufficient number of votes are not cast at the first ballot, further balloting shall be held at intervals of not more than ten days, suffrage being restricted to these members who have not already voted, until a sufficient number of votes have been cast,"

D. F. O'Connell '21, captain of the University track team, was the only speaker of the evening who was not a member of the class of 1923. He spoke of the new plans and the prospects of the spring track season and urged the Freshmen to continue the good record so far established in fall and winter sports.


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