"Fighting the Frozen North" is the subject of the lecture by Donald B. MacMillan, which was postponed from January 7, to be given next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union. This subject was changed from "Five Years with the Polar Eskimos." Stereopticon views will be used to Illustrate Mr. MacMillan's lecture.
Mr. MacMillan has had twelve years experience as an explorer, first as Peary's assistant in 1908 in his successful trip to the North Pole, and later on expeditions of his own along the coast of Labrador, from which he will draw material for his talk. His next exploit will be the Bowdoin-Baffin Land expedition in 1920-21. This will be sent for exploration under the auspices of Bowdoin College, from which Mr. MacMillan was graduated.
The lecture Tuesday night is open only to members of the Union, who will be admitted upon showing their membership cards.
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