The Committee on Platforms and Policies of the Republican party is an innovation in party politics which Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip believes will serve to strengthen the Republican party and have a salutary influence on politics in general. Mr. Vanderlip is a member of this committee which was formed last January and which is now in active operation.
"A new departure in politics," he said in an interview given out recently, "is marked by the appointment of the so called Committee of Platforms and Policies. This committee has been appointed by the national committee of the Republican party. The idea originated with Chairman Hayes and has the sympathetic co-operation of the whole national committee. It consists of one hundred and fifty men and women covering the country geographically and covering every point of view. There are representatives of business, of labor, of agriculture and, in fact of each of the general divisions of society.
Subdivisions Formulate Questionnaires
"The methods of procedure has been to make subject subdivisions and then to appoint committees for each subdivision with active chairmen. These subcommittees formulate each in their own fields, questionnaires starting with a general statement regarding the particular subject, which is followed by a series of questions aimed to bring out the various views that may be held in regard to the live questions of the day. This is intended to give a background of the people's views in regard to these questions. It is then proposed to make a synopsis of the replies to the questionnaires and to formulate the principles involved for the use of the Committee on Planks and Platforms at the national convention in June. It is not the purpose of the Committee of Platforms and Policies in any sense to formulate the definite planks of the party platform. It is rather their function to furnish information, to present facts and principles which ought to be considered by those whose duty it will be to write definitely the platform.
Experts to Aid Sub-committees
"The various sub-committees call to their aid experts of every kind who compile information that will be needed. For example the Committee on Economic Research at Harvard form the staff advisers for the sub-committee on foreign trade. An exhaustive study is being made to bring the information on foreign trade up to date and to present in such form that it will be useful when the particular plank of foreign trade is formulated by the Committee on Platforms at the convention. A similar method is followed by the other sub-committees.
"I believe that this method of approaching the writing of the political platform is of great importance in helping to shape by means of scientific study the policy of the party. It will tend to minimize the type of hurried work usually done at presidential conventions when platforms are formulated and should minimize the effect of purely personal views and prejudices which sometimes shapes the planks unwisely and commits the party to policies in the first instance not clearly thought out. It gives a broad foundation for the shaping of platforms, for the work will be participated in by thousands of people. Anyone having considered views on any particular subject can, upon application, receive the appropriate questionnaires and can present their views through the answers. All replies will receive attention in an attempt to reach a balance and condensation of public sentiment.
Aims to Furnish a Collection of Facts
"I would emphasize that this new procedure in no sense invades the prerogatives of the Committee on Platforms. Its aim is merely to furnish that committee with carefully digested principles and a collection of facts. It is hoped that this work will be so well done that it may largely influence the results of the deliberations of the Committee on Platforms. But that committee, as a matter of fact, is left as free as it has ever been to formulate the definite statement of the party policy."
Mr. Vanderlip, as well as being a member of this new committee, is chairman of the sub-committee of banking, currency and foreign trade.
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