


The Leonard Wood Club of Harvard was launched last evening at a meeting in the Trophy Room of the Union. Plans for increasing the membership were discussed, and a temporary organization formed to carry on the business of enrolment until the permanent officers are selected at a meeting which will be held in the near future.

The purpose of this club is to interest members of the University in General Wood's presidential candidacy and to further that candidacy in whatsoever way it can. No extensive program of action will be adopted, however, until the aim of the organizers, of building up a considerable membership of men friendly to the General, has been accomplished.

Committee Appointed.

An election of tentative officers was held last evening when Professor Joseph Warren '97 was chosen president of the club, and G. C. Barclay 1L was made secretary. The committee on the organization was tentatively made up as follows: Dr. Paul Withington '09, D. M. Little '18, Wilkie Bushby 2L, C. P. Smith 2L, G. A. Brownell 1L, C. A. Coolidge, Jr., 1L, F. Mauran, Jr., 1L, F. E. Parker, Jr., 1L, J. S. Fleek 1G.B., J. C. Bolton '20, W. J. Louderback, Jr., '20, Chase Mellen '20, E. W. Pavenstedt, Jr., '20, Roger Tuckerman '20, G. L. Wrenn '20, W. K. Clark, Unc., R. S. Humphrey '21, G. C. Lee '21, and C. C. Buell '23.

The Wood Club will hold office hours in the future in the Union and Memorial Hall, when members of the University may obtain information or enrol. The hours at the Union will be from 6.30 to 8 o'clock and those at Memorial Hall from 1 until 2 o'clock daily. Membership cards and buttons may also be obtained from the various members of the Committee on Organization.
