

Bracket, Worcester, and Levy Represent Harvard at New Haven Meet

Tomorrow the annual individual Intercollegiate Swimming Meet will take place in the Carnegie Pool at New Haven. Many colleges are represented, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Columbia, College of the City of New York, and others. The preliminary heats begin at three o'clock, and the finals at 8.30 o'clock in the evening. Each college may enter four men in each event, and the first four men in the heats will be entered in the finals. Three men of the Harvard swimming team have been entered in the meet; A. H. Brackett '22, and G. S. Worcester '22 have both been entered in the fifty yard dash and the hundred yard swim; A. Levy '21 will compete in the diving events.

A program of six events has been arranged as follows: fifty yard dash, dive, two-twenty yard swim, plunge, one hundred yard swim, and the Freshman two hundred yard relay. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded to the men placing first, second, and third, respectively in each event.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, before the trials are held, there will be a meeting of the Intercollegiate Swimming Association in the Trophy Room of the Yale gymnasium. Representatives from the various colleges will attend the meeting for a discussion of plans for the coming year. Manager H. S. Villard '21, is leaving today for New Haven, and will represent Harvard at the meeting.
