Election of officers for the Shannon Post of the American Legion will take place Friday, March 26, at 7 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union, it was announced yesterday. Professor Theodore Lyman '98, Acting Commander of the University Post, has appointed a committee to draw up a list of nominees for the various offices, which will be presented at the meeting. All of the 400 men who have signed application blanks are expected to be present.
The nominations which will be submitted are in no way final, and further nominees for offices may be suggested from the floor at the meeting. Such nominations are expected by the temporary executive committee and will be welcomed. A committee on by-laws was also appointed by Professor Lyman to draw up a complete set of by-laws to govern the Shannon Post, and to submit them for approval or change at the meeting.
The acting officers of the new Post wish to impress any men who are expecting to attend the meeting, that no attempt is being made to force the members of the Post to accept any suggestions, but that everything pertaining to the formation of the Post, is entirely in the hands of the members themselves. The committees which have been appointed are merely aiding until the Post is on its feet.
The committee for the nomination of officers is as follows: Professor Roger B. Merriman '96, Chairman, A. B. Royce, 3L., W. J. Louderback, Jr., '20, W. W. Caswell '20. The Committee on by-laws consists of the following: Professor R. B. Perry, '97, '99 Chairman, Dr. Paul Withington, '09, F. H. Brownell, 1G.B., D. F. O'Connell, '21.
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