In addition to "Dere Mable," two musical extravaganzas opened at Boston play-houses this week. At the Majestic is "The Magic Melody," a romantic musical play, with a plot which brings back memories of "Maytime" The Music is good, but the specialty acts by Bertie Beaumonte, Tom McNaughton, Emma Haig, and John Waldron are what carry the main burden of the show.
"Chu Chin Chow," at the Boston. Opera House, is a gorgeous musical extravaganza making its second appearance in Boston. The costuming is daring and colorful, while the beautiful oriental lighting effects contribute much to the effectiveness of the production.
There is an especial interest for Harvard men in "Dere Mable," as Edward Streeter and John Hodges, the co-authors, were both members of the class of 1914, and together wrote the Hasty Pudding Club show of that year. Streeter was president of the Lampoon while in College, and saw action in the Meuse-Argonne Sector during the war. Mrs. Hodges, who wrote the music, is well known in Boston as the author of several Vincent Club shows.
The success of "Mamma's Affair," the 47 Workshop Prize Play by Rachel Barton Butler, which is now being enthusiastically received in New York, has encouraged Mr. Oliver Morosco to renew his prize of $500 for the best drama written by a past or present member of Professor Baker's courses.
On Monday, March 29, "The Midnight. Whirl" will come to the Schubert direct from the roof of the Century Theatre in New York. In spite of the suggestion in the title, the entertainment will run on the usual afternoon and evening schedule.
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Compete for Lee Wade Speaking Prizes in Sanders Theatre at 8