All members of the class of 1921 who desire to room in the Yard next year and who have not already applied for blanks and price lists must do so today at Randolph 56 between 4.30 and 6 o'clock.
The applications must be filled out and returned to Randolph 56 before 6 o'clock tomorrow night, when the applications close. Already more than half of the class of 1921 has applied for rooms in Holworthy, Hollis, Stoughton, and Thayer, and it is expected that almost all Seniors will room in the Yard next year.
All those who have held class offices in either Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior years and who are returning to College next year are strongly endorsing the "Back to the Yard" movement, and expect to room in the Senior dormitories. 1921 DORMITORY COMMITTEE.
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Senior Class Day Notice