

First Performance of "Al Fareedah" This Evening at 8.

This evening at 8 o'clock, the Pi Eta musical comedy "Al Fareedah" will be presented in the Club Theatre before an audience composed of graduates of Pi Eta. Public performances in Cambridge will be given next Thursday, March 18, Tuesday, March 23, and Saturday, March 27. For the first and second of these, tickets may still be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's and the Co-operative Branch at $2.20 and $1.65. Other performances will be given at Wellesley on March 19, at West Newton on March 22, and at Exeter on March 24.

Two of the musical numbers, "Carnival of Cocoanuts" and "Arabian Sea," were composed by P. J. Philbin '20, while the rest are by M. H. Dill '20. Sixteen of the pieces played in the show have been arranged for dancing, and will be played exclusively for the dancing after each performance. The musical synopsis is as follows: ACT I. Scene 1. 1. Ella, Ella,  Opening Chorus 2. Blue Blood Blues,  "Efficiency" Jones 3. What Sort of a Hero,  Ella 4. Let Me Have You Near Me,  "Stuffy" Danforth 5. Someone to Cuddle,  Ella and "Efficiency" 6. Your Knight,  "Stuffy" and Ella Scene 2. 7. Maid for Me,  "Spike" Maloney 8. He'll Wait,  Ella 9. Say, You Couldn't Hold Me Back,  "Stuffy" ACT II. Scene 1. 10. Sympathetic Strike,  Opening Chorus 11. Just a Bit of Jazz,  "Efficiency" 12. All That's Golden Does Not Glitter,  "Stuffy" and "Spike" 13. Land of Pearls,  Ella 14. Back to Earth,  Ella 15. Khuh-Khuh,  Bogas 16. Carnival of Cocoanuts,  Aromah Scene 2. 17. Snifiles,  I'm al Waze F'hul 18. Arabian Sea,  Omar 19. Finale,  Entire Cast
