


Several more unusual specialty acts have recently been worked into "Al Fareedah," the fifty-second annual production of the Pi Eta Society which will open its doors to the public next Thursday evening. An Arabian dance by M. H. Dill '20, leading lady and composer of the music, will be one of the features of the show. His dance was specially coached by Mrs. Derby Brown, of Brookline, one of the foremost pageant and group dancing teachers in greater Boston.

W. B. Leach, Jr., '22, as leading man, will put drive and humor into the part of "Efficiency" Jones. He has taken part in several of the 47 Workshop plays and has had considerable experience in amateur dramatics.

J. F. Lautner '21, leading tenor of the Glee Club, who will appear as Algernon ("Stuffy") Danforth, the pseudo-romantic lover, will have four of the best songs in the show. A. Palmer '20, as "Bogus, a bally butler," has an eccentric dance specially which is equalled only by his song in the second act called "Khuh-Khuh." P. L. Cheney '21 has the part of "I'm al Waze F'hul," who is featured in the song "Sniffies," and in a dance of the triple-jointed variety.

P. Birdsall '21, H. D. Costigan '20, and R. Gerould '20 as Asmah, Hay Feevah and She'dbetterhad, respectively, make a stunning trio of "vamps," with the Cleo Mayfield inflection. P. F. Nash '21 as Rev. Thomas Thomas of Thomaston, Ohio, a meticulous minister, and Ford Hibbard '20 as the merry scamp. Tom Tom, Jr., provide some of the best laughs in the show. C. C. Ryan '20 was picked for the role of Keeptotherite, an Arab traffic-cop, principally on account of his name.

Those who intend to see the performance of "Al Fareedah" at Wellesley Hills on March 19 may obtain tickets from E. I. Damon '21, Matthews 19. They will be able to return on Pi Eta's special train which will leave about 11.45. Men who wish to go to Exeter and attend the performance at the Ioka Theatre can return on the special train leaving also about 11.45
