
April 1 Last Date for Entering Boylston peaking Competition

Competitors for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution, which are awarded annually to Seniors and Juniors in the College at a public contest on the second Thursday in May, should enter their names with Dean Le Baron R. Briggs, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, on or before April 1.

These prizes are made possible by the gift to the University of $1,000 by Ward Nichols Boylston of Boston in 1817, with the "wish to promote the reputation of Harvard College, and more especially with a view to advance the objects for which the Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory was Founded."

Competitors will speak not their own compositions, but selections from English, Greek, or Latin authors, the proportion of English to be at least two out of three. Selections must be approved by Dean Briggs.

The Corporation and gentlemen selected by the Corporation will act as judges in awarding: Two First Prizes of $30 each, and Three Second Prizes of $20 each, The first prizes may be withheld if none of those competing appear to deserve them. At the exhibition no prompting of speakers will be allowed and a failure of memory will exclude a competitor from consideration in the assignment of prizes.
