"Because of his complete sincerity and frankness, his great administrative ability, his determination to face difficulties and surmount them, and his unequalled experience in world relations, I believe that Mr. Hoover is the one man best-qualified for the next presidency," said Mr. Roland W. Boyden '85, LL.B. '88, head of the Enforcement Division of the Food Administration, and Director of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, at a dinner given by the Hoover Club of Harvard at the Union last night. Speaking of Hoover's abilities he stressed his power of decision and of choosing able helpers.
"He has, to a remarkabzle degree, the power of realizing when something has to be done, and then doing it without delay. Surrounding himself with able associates, he built up both in Belgium and as Food Administrator at Washington, an organization that was wonderfully co-ordinated, taking orders and suggestions from its chief without a hitch."
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