

Secured Four First Places in Series of Board Events Held Yesterday Afternoon.

In the track events of the winter carnival which began yesterday afternoon, C. G. Krogness, Jr., '21, proved to be the star, winning first place in the high jump, broad jump, 45-yard high hurdles, and 45-yard low hurdles, as well as placing first in one of the trial heats of the 40-yard dash.

As a result of the trial heats in this last event F. F. Williams '20, C. S. Evans Unc., S. S. Rogers '22, P. C. Person '21, C. G. Krogness, Jr., '21, and C. H. Wansker Unc., will compete in the final heat this afternoon. In the 45-yard low hurdles Krogness won the first heat with S. Mitchell '23 second, while D. F. O'Connell '21 came in first in the second heat will B. H. Tracy '22 second. Krogness won the final heat of this event, followed by Tracy and Mitchell. Krogness and Tracy likewise took first and second places in the 45-yard high hurdles.

By a fast finish Wansker succeeded in beating E. O. Gourdin '21 in to the tape in the 300-yard dash. C. L. Bond '20 was the winner of the mile run over H. G. Crosby '22 and A. J. Fox Unc. In the relay, the 1921 team easily defeated 1922, while 1923 won over 1920 by 15 yards.
