The following mid-year examinations in courses conducted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be given today. Today at 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 7,Sever 13 Anthropology 9, Peabody Mus. Botany 11, Emerson D Chemistry A: Abbot-Kiggen (inclusive), New Lecture Hall LaFarge-Thistle (inclusive), Zoological Lecture Room Titiev-Zucrow (inclusive), Pierce 202 Chemistry 3: Abrams-Dunn, Sever 29 Eastman-Martin, Sever 35 Mirsky-Yens, Sever 36 Economics 1a: Alexander-Fisher, Pierce 110 Flynn-R. Kingsbury, Pierce 302 Knight-Mantz, Pierce 307 Marsh-Reynolds, Sever 5 Richardson-Siller, Sever 19 Silverman-Thomas, Sever 20 Thurston-Zeo, Sever 26 Economics 14, Robinson Education 1, Robinson A English 3a, Sever 6 English 9, Emerson F English 69, Holden Fine Arts 1c: Allen-Evans, Emerson A Faulkner-Williams, Emerson J French 8: Adams to Howard (inclusive), Sever 30 King to Williams (inclusive), Sever 32 Geography 6, Geol. Lect.-rm. Geology 17, Geol. Lect.-rm. German 1b, Sever 14 German 5, Robinson A Government 6: Adams to Fleming (inclusive), Sever 17 Friedman to Morse (inclusive), Sever 23 Morss to Zimmerman (inclusive), Sever 24 History 32a: Abrams-Crane, Harvard 2 Cromwell-Frazer, Harvard 3 Freiberg-Murphy, Harvard 5 Naiman-Wright, Harvard 6 Latin B: Prof. Howard's sect. 1, Sever 18 Prof. Post's sect. 2, Sever 18 Latin 8, Sever 29 Mathematics C 1a, 1b, Pierce 304 Mathematics 5a: Adamowski-Fiske, Sever 1 Fleischmann-Mannes, Sever 7 Morris-Young, Sever 8 Music 4c hf., Sever 13 Philosophy 7, Emerson D Philosophy 12a, Emerson D Psychology 1, Emerson D Semitic 8, Sem. Mus. Semitic 12, Sever 13 Social Ethics 4, Emerson D Spanish 5: Ajemian-Ellis, Sever A Field-Yelverton, Sever 11 2 P. M. Semitic 13, Sem. Mus. 2
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