Technology, along with the other colleges of New England, realizes that the Des Moines Student Volunteer Conference was a hoax and, except from the missionary worker's point of view, was an utter failure. There is no use in crying over spilt milk (in this case amounting to several thousand dollars) but it would be well to find out who was at fault in giving our delegation a false impression of the conference, so that we may avoid a repetition of the blunder.
We do not believe that the Technology delegation was at fault in attending the conference. It was induced to do so by expectations which turned out to be unwarranted. The blame does not rest with the T. C. A. or its officers, for they, too, were apparently misled. But in trying to convince the students that they really did accomplish a great deal, by framing trite resolutions and giving geographical talks, the delegates certainly are in error. If thirty of our students had to go to Iowa to find out that China is longer than the United States is broad, then education in this state must be at a pretty low ebb.
The ultimate source of the false impression received by our delegates was a speech made by an officer of the national Student Volunteer organization in which he led our men to believe that the conference would be much broader than it really was. It is time that our delegates clear themselves of blame by dropping their childish pretence and admitting collectively, as most of them do individually, that the conference was a disappointment and must not be repeated unless its true purposes are made perfectly clear. --The Tech.
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Seniors Down 1921 Quintet, 27-23