


With no practice today, the University hockey players will await with interest tonight's battle between Teams "A" and "B" of the Boston All-Stars, as a result of which a picked sextet will be formed to face the Crimson tomorrow. Seldom has such fast hockey been seen anywhere as was shown on Wednesday evening at the Pavilion, and it is to be expected that the second match between the veteran players, which is scheduled to start at 8.15, will more than equal the first.

It will take the best of which the Crimson skaters are capable to handle the All-Star aggregation tomorrow night, for while the University players should have a slight edge on their opponents in team work, if they are up to form, the more experienced men opposing them should have the best of it in individual work. It will be the hardest game which the team has met with thus far this season.

Probable Line-up of All-Stars.

At present it seems as though G. A. Percy '18, who started in the earlier game by making all of Team "A's" goals, Murphy of the Dartmouth Club, and Downing of the B.A.A. would form the All-Star line in Saturday's game. In the outer defense Murchie of the Dartmouth Club and Small of the old Arena team showed up best on Wednesday in the absence of Skilton. The goal-tend's position will be hotly contested for by J. I. Wylde '17 and Donahue of the Dartmouth Club, both of whom shone brilliantly in the first game.

Yesterday the University team spent the greater part of its practice hour in scrimmaging the Freshmen, and ended by defeating the yearlings 6-5. Both teams used substitutes freely, and the first-year men showed an improvement over past performances that was encouraging in view of the fact that they meet the speedy St. Paul's School seven tomorrow.
