Below is the program of dances for the Junior Dance, containing twelve fox trots, six one steps and two waltzes. The committee does not expect to add any extras to the present twenty dance program, which is as follows: 1. Two hearts discover (fox trot). 2. You're the one (one step). 3. Left alone blues (fox trot). 4. Poppyland (fox trot). 5. Pal of mine (waltz). 6. Cairo (one step). 7. Honey dear (fox trot). 8. Dardannella (fox trot). 9. Whose baby are you (one step). 10. Crocodile (fox trot). Intermission. 11. My laddie (fox trot). 12. Bohemia (one step). 13. Nothing (fox trot). 14. Rose of Washington Square (fox trot). 15. Miami Shore (waltz). 16. Swanee (one step). 17. Beale Street Blues (fox trot). 18. Alexandria (fox trot). 19. Happy (one step). 20. Cuban Dreams (fox trot).
All applications for boxes for the dance must be turned in to T. S. Lamont '21 at the Crimson Building by Monday, March 1. These applications should be made by the chairman of each group, and must contain the names of the members of the class and their guests who are to occupy the boxes. It is requested that the guest's name in full be placed first and the man's name in full next. This will make it easier to compile the booklet which contains the names of the guests. The boxes hold from 6 to 12 couples, and will be awarded by lot.
The committee acknowledges the receipt of the applications of the following men: E. E. Allen, L. C. Barry, A. Beele, A. Blair, J. Cowles, W. B. Frothingham, R. S. Humphrey, C. G. Krogness, L, M. Lyon, H. MacFadden, W. T. Pyle, and H. S. Villard.
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