


In the Living Room of the Union last evening the Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, spoke on "The Americanization of Government Affairs," before an audience of 700 men.

Mr. Roosevelt was introduced by Professor Roger B. Merriman '96, of the History Department, and during his entire address, which he characterized as very informal, he laid stress on the need for reorganization in all the departments of the government.

Secretary Roosevelt began by commenting on his service with the navy: "The navy," Secretary Roosevelt said, "with which I have been connected for the past seven years, is a wonderful service; it is American all through, and is the most efficient and effective branch of the government. It is a department which the country does not really appreciate. The navy was, at the beginning of the war, built around a nucleus of 3,000 men, graduates of a great university, the United States Naval Academy; at the end of the war, this body had been augmented by other college men until there were 28,000 officers around whom the great nay was finally constructed.

"Put they house in order."

"The United States Government is the most inefficient organization in the country. I believe that only by pointing out the conditions in need of remedying can American and constitutional measures by taken to improve conditions. I firmly believe in the maxim, 'Put they house in order.' If we do not do so, matters will grow worse and cause revolts resulting in unconstitutional means of remedy. The Congressional Record has more humor than any comic paper; it is indicative of the inefficient methods of Congress which is 100 yeard behind American progress.


"One of the greatest troubles with the government, is the poor pay; after a certain advancement, the limited of which is $3,000 a year, there is no future. The executive departments of the government are as inefficient as Congress. There are five navy and four secret service departments.

"I do not think that we are through with the war yet; some of the worst problems are yet to come. We must face them with pried, helpfulness, and willingness to serve."
