

One of the most gratifying aspects of the campaign for the Endowment Fund is the generous and hearty response with which the call has been answered by graduates of other colleges. It is perhaps to the alumni of our sister-universities, Yale and Princeton, that we owe a special debt of gratitude. "It gives me great pleasure," writes one Princeton Graduate to the chairman of the Fund, "to enclose my contribution to the Endowment Fund of the University. Had I not been a Princetonian, I should have gone to Cambridge, and were I not a Princetonian now and working myself for her Endowment Fund, the enclosed check would have been larger."

It is but one instance of the sincere good feeling which exists between the alumni of the University and those of Yale and Princeton. Members of the victorious University football team which defeated Oregon on the Pacific Coast have borne ample testimony to the warmth, the cordiality, the whole-hearted sincerity, with which graduates of other Eastern colleges received our team both while on the Pacific Slope and en route.

That the great universities of America differ not in their fundamental aims, and that they are all co-workers in the maintenance of the highest standards of education and of character, the present undergraduates will realize more and more deeply as the year pass by. Theories of education differ, but the ideals remain unchanged. The preservation of the best things of the past, liberalized by a broad foresight into the future, and their application to the problems of the present, is by no means the least function of the American university and university men. In this work all college are united. The cause of one is the cause of all.
