


"Free Speech" has been chosen as the subject of this year's triangular debate between the University, Princeton, and Yale. This topic was proposed by Yale, and the wording as announced by Princeton is: "Resolved, That Congress should adopt all measures necessary to repress progaganda for the purpose of ultimate overthrow of republican government."

Try-outs will be held in Harvard 5 tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. Speeches will be limited to five minutes, and may be on either side of the question. On account of failure to receive the exact subject earlier, judgement will be made more on debating ability than on detailed knowledge of the question, and only one-half of the aspirants will be eliminated at this time. Members of the fall debating team are not required to report for these first trials. Unlike other University activities, Freshmen are eligible on the same terms as upperclassmen.

Semi-Finals on Friday.

On Friday at 7 o'clock in Harvard 5 the semi-finals will be held. Speeches may be 12 minutes in length, and, as before, on either side of the question. Twelve men will be picked, and from these on Monday afternoon and evening will be chosen nine men to compose two teams.

The debate is to be held on March 19. The University negative will meet Princeton's affirmative at Sanders Theatre, while the affirmative goes to New Haven against Yale's negative, and Princeton's negative meets Yale's affirmative at Princeton.


Able Coaches Secured.

A considerable number of prominent former debaters have been secured as coaches. C. E. Frazer '18 will direct the general policy and Professor H. B. Huntington '97 of Brown, Judge A. P. Stone '92, Professor H. N. Davis, A. M., '03, Sidney Curtis '05, and W. H. Foster '06 will act as advisors.

The training period will be shorter than ever before, but men with no previous experience are encouraged to come out this year since a very extensive program beginning December 1, and including a Christmas Recess Debate, is being planned for next year. If sufficient interest is shown, a second team will be picked and a debate on the same subject will be held with a nearby high school.
