
Christian Association Meets Tonight--Dr. Cabot to Speak

The annual business meeting of the Harvard University Christian Association will be held tonight at 7.30 in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House. Officers for next year will be elected at this time, and nominations have been made as follows: President, H. MacFadden '21; vice-president, J. S. Barss '22; secretary, C. E. Dean '21; treasurer, K. R. Groener '22. The new officers will take office immediately after the spring recess. Reports of the various committees will be read.

Following the business meeting Dr. Richard C. Cabot '89, newly appointed Professor of Social Ethics, will give a short address on "Some Differentiating Characteristics of Christianity," after which refreshments will be served. All members of the Christian Association, as well as others who are interested in the work, are urgently invited to be present.
