

Prof. M. T. Copeland Believes Task Is Not Insurmountable if Met in Right Spirit.

Professor M. T. Copeland, Director of the Bureau of Business Research, speaking at the annual dinner of the Home Furnishers' Association of Massachusetts at the Boston City Club, declared that the problems that will confront the business men during the next few years, will be more serious than those during the war. He asserted that business men will be faced with problems that appear insoluble, but these can be met, he added, if the merchant will do as Uncle Sam did in the war, say "It can't be done, but here it is."

Professor Copeland said he believed that the chief need among the majority of the business men of the country today is a proper method of accounting for income and outgo, so that they may know at all times just where their business stands.

The Professor told of the investigations being made by the Bureau to gather information that is reliable and make it generally available.

No Fear of Reds.

The Honorable Guy A. Ham '03 LL. B., President of the Citizens' National Bank of Boston, also spoke, saying that "America need have no fear of the Red or his tribe," because the nation, as in every great trial in its history, will produce "the man of the hour."


He asserted that part of the unrest in the United States is due to unfortunate housing methods and a shortage of homes. He advocated the building of homes in wholesale lots with capital furnished temporarily by corporations made up of merchants who will loan money for the project with no expectation of immediate benefits.

In commenting on the wave of extravagance sweeping over the world, he said the time is coming when Europe and America must foot the bill. Both, he declared, have spent not only their accumulated wealth, but their present-day finances and the money they anticipate for years to come.
