The Junior Dance Committee announces that blanks have been sent only to those Juniors whose names appear in the 1921 Red Book, the officers of the Senior and Sophomore classes, and the members of last year's dance committee. If, after these men have sent in their applications, the committee feels, that there will be room in the Union for more couples, those who are now rated as Juniors and Seniors, and who missed last year's dance, will be able to secure blanks. Until an announcement to that effect is made in the CRIMSON only those specially invited above may fill out blanks.
Due to the fact that so few applications have been received, the committee has determined to extend the period during which blanks may be sent in until the end of this week. In order that invitations may be sent to the girls on time, it is imperative than no applications be received after Saturday.
Music will be furnished by Markel's well-known ten-piece New York Orchestra.
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