Four yard dormitories, Hollis, Stoughton, Holworthy, and Thayer, will be used to house next year's Senior class. All men who entered with the class of 1921, and all men for who 1920-21 will be their last year in College, will be eligible to apply for rooms in these dormitories, application blanks, descriptive pamphlets and price lists will be available about March 1, at hours and places to be announced in the CRIMSON later. All room assignments will be made by lottery.
The Senior Dormitory Committee urges all members of 1921 to decide now as far as possible where and with whom they wish to room next year, so that they will be ready to file applications during the first week of March.
J. Cowles is the Chairman of the Junior Committee in charge of the arrangements. The other members are H. H. Faxon, R. E. Larsen, J. R. Meeker, R. Peale, F. U. Perry, R. M. Sedgwick, J. M. Steele, T. C. Wales and J. N. White.
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