

The sentiment of the University about the coming presidential campaign is becoming articulate. The admirers of Herbert Hoover, among them Professor Taussig, are organizing; a Students' Forum has sprung up; and Professor Hart comes out with an endorsement of Leonard Wood. These are evidences of a healthy interest which should be stimulated and encouraged.

When the opinion of undergraduates is as split as it must be during a presidential campaign, it is clearly impossible for the CRIMSON to strike a note of general feeling in behalf of the University. On the contrary, therefore, the CRIMSON will not attempt to support any one candidate, but will act rather as an open forum for discussion of various phases of the political contest. Articles will be run from time to time on each of the leading candidates; communications on the several aspirants will be welcome.

There is need to stress the vital relationship which the outcome of this campaign bears to the welfare of the nation. Let us have thoughtful, intelligent discussion.
