

Smith is Second, While Gore Trails in Interdormitory System.

Standish Hall leads the 1923 Indoor Baseball League to date with five games won and no defeats. Smith is second with two victories and two defeats, while the Gore team is last with no victories and five defeats. Standish, likewise, is ahead in the batting averages with 454, although Smith is a close second with 450. Gore is a poor third with an average of .393. The five leading batters in the league are H. Garland (Gore) .762, P. R. Harnell (Standish) .667, F. W. Bacon (Smith), .667, W. H. Perry (Standish) 608, and R. I. Newman (Smith) .600.

The Indoor Baseball League was started shortly after Christmas vacation under the direction of Mr. Miller of the Physical Training Department. Games are played Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons at 4.45 in the New Freshman Athletic Building. It is expected that the indoor practice will help develop men for the regular 1923 baseball team and several men now playing in the league will report when the 1923 candidates are called out tomorrow at the meeting in the Union.
