After the final trials for the University wrestling team, held yesterday and Monday, the squad which will represent the University for the remainder of the season is now settled.
Any man on the team, however, is subject to a challenge from anybody in the University who is cligible to wrestle. Such a challenge will not be allowed until after the meet with Springfield on Saturday.
The make-up of the team is as follows:
J. F. Brown '22, heavyweight; S. Scheinfein Unc., 175-1b.; T. L. Parsonnet '22, 158-1b.; Captain J. A. MacDonell, '21, 145-1b.; C. P. Smith '21, 135-1b.; B. Corson Occ., 125-1b.; and H. B. Walker '22, 115-1b. class.
Trials for the 1923 wrestling team will be held this afternoon. The first meet for the Freshmen is Saturday with M. I. T.
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