(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
A few days ago, arriving in Boston from the West, I was genuinely astonished to see on every hand placards advertising a concert of the Harvard Glee Club featuring the ex-Austrian soldier, Fritz Kreisler. As a matter of fact, the advertisements would lead one to believe that for commercial reasons the Harvard Glee Club had acquired his services in order to give a necessary publicity. In view of the fact that Kreisler has been refused entrance on the concert stage in so many cities throughout the country, I consider it a blunder on the part of the Glee Club to enter voluntarily and consciously into an affair that is bound to lead to adverse comment. And personally if we must go to those that represent the enemies we so lately fought, for publicity or any commercial essential, I think it is time for a protest.
Giving this concert is a grave mistake for two reasons:
First--It is ill-considered policy. Its official sanction will do damage to the reputation of Harvard and will tend to lessen enthusiastic contribution to the Endowment Fund. And for what good reason should Harvard enter the controversy on the merits of Mr. Kreisler--a controversy extending from Worcester to Louisville and points farther West? We are not called upon to take Mr. Kreisler's case before American public opinion. And if a violinist is needed, there are Elman, Haifetz, Jacques Thibaud, who served in the French army, and our own Albert Spalding, who served overseas in the army of the United States.
Second--It is wrong in principle. Are we to aid the pro-German element in their very real and concerted effort to be re-accepted into public favor? Mr. Kreisler represents this element. And are we so soon to forget the class of ex Hun soldiers of whom Kreisler was one, and what their side of the fight stood for? At this time, when the war is hardly over and peace not yet signed, the fact that Harvard is giving this concert cannot properly be reconciled to the feeling of reverence we should have for our sacred dead.
I hope mine is not the only voice raised in protest to the proposed concert of February 27th. JOHN S. FLEEK '15.
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