


The 1920 baseball season opened last night with a meeting of all candidates for the team in the Varsity Club. More than 60 aspirants were present. Manager A. E. Kirk '20 opened the meeting with a warning to the men about keeping up in their studies and emphasizing the necessity of observing this rule.

Captain R. W. Emmons, 3rd, '20, who has played three years on the University team at third base, then spoke to the candidates. He said that last year, due to the war and unsettled conditions prevalent at College, the season was not entirely successful, as Yale won the series. However, the material and prospects for the coming season were good, and, if the team showed co-operation, there would be an excellent chance for a winning season.

Dr. E. H. Nichols '86 was the next speaker. He emphasized the value of training and that it was up to the judges whether they kept it or not. "A winning team," he said, "is one that keeps strict training. The last speaker of the evening was Coach Slattery. He explained that this year a new system would be adopted by which good team work was expected to be developed. A meeting will be held before each game and the mistakes of the previous game discussed and analyzed. A close connection, too, is to be maintained between the men on the first squad and those on the second team. He said that the material which reported for fall baseball was excellent and the prospects of a successful season were bright.

Batteries Start Today.

The batteries will report this afternoon at 2 o'clock, while the fielders will be called out some time during the first week in March. Six candidates reported last evening for the Second Assistant and six for the Freshman managership competitions. As there are five positions to be filled by Freshmen, there is an unusual opportunity offered to the class of 1923, and more candidates are needed for the competition. Men coming out now will be handicapped in no way.
