This afternoon at 2 o'clock at Soldiers Field the University track team meets M.I.T., while the 1923 men encounter the Boston School of Commerce and Boston English High School. Although these two meets are informal, they will give Coaches Donovan and Farrell an opportunity to see what material there is for the triangular meet with Dartmouth and Cornell on February 28, as well as for the Freshman meets with Lynn English and Wakefield High.
The University team will oppose Technology in the 40-yard dash, 45-yard high hurdles, 300-yard dash, 600-yard dash, the high jump, and possibly in some distance events.
In the triangular meet with Boston English High and the High School of Commerce the Freshman team will compete in the same events.
Both teams have practiced daily since the B.A.A. games, and noticeable improvement has been made since that date. C. S. Evans, Jr., Unc., is a strong contender today in the 40-yard dash against M.I.T., while R. Chute '22, B. Wharton '22, W. F. Goodell '21, and E. O. Gourdin '21 have been rapidly increasing their speed in the short distance races. Captain D. F. O'Connell '21 is by far the best of the long distance men, as he has been for the last two years. C. G. Krogness, Jr., '21, and D. S. Laird '22 are the strongest contestants in the high jump, while R. W. Harwood '20 and F. D. Johnson '20 offer stiff opposition to Technology in the pole-vault.
Among the Freshman entrants will be V. Chapin and W. H. Churchill in the 40-yard dash, C. H. Hawes, W. C. Bennett and H. Pond in the 45-yard low Hurdles, C. H. Hawes, R. O. Howard, S. Mitchell and J. E. Kennedy in the 300-yard dash; C. H. Newell, J. W. Quinn in 600-yd. dash, W. C. Bennett and J. G. Winchester in the 1000-yard run; H. R. Davis, H. Phillips, A. W. Jones and H. S. Freedman in the high jump; C. H. Nichol, H. R. Davis, H. Stires and L. Fletcher in the standing broad jump; and B. S. Cogan, H. R. Davis, H. W. Clark, H. W. Self, and R. Kunhardt in the shot-put.
Relay Team to Go to New York.
On February 21 the University relay team will participate in the games held
under the auspices of the New York Athletic Club. This is an invitation meet, and all the leading Eastern colleges are expected to make entries. The following handicap events will be held: 75-yard run, 1000-yard run, standing high jump (three-inch limit), 300-yard run, one-mile walk, putting 16-pound shot (five feet limit), and the three-mile run (175-yard limit). In addition to these events there is the Baxter mile between the New York Athletic Club and the B.A.A
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