Competitions for the News, Editorial, and Photographic Departments of the University daily opens at 7.15 tonight in the CRIMSON Building. All competitions will last about 11 weeks.
The news competition is open to members of the Sophomore and Freshman classes. The work consists principally in collecting and writing up in suitable form news of University affairs for publication. This will give the candidates an intimate acquaintance with all of the activities of the University. No previous journalistic training is necessary, and Freshmen will be at no disadvantage in the competition. Further details will be explained to the candidates reporting this evening.
The successful news candidates who are elected to the Board this spring are eligible to become managing editor and president of the CRIMSON, Four assistant managing editors will be chosen late this spring from the Sophomore news editors. These four men will compete in the fall and spring of their Junior year for the position of managing editor.
This competition is open only to Juniors, and offers 1921 the last opportunity to make the CRIMSON. This spring more emphasis will be placed on the quality than on the quantity of editorials written. Candidates at first will be required to submit two editorials a week, with a possible increase in this number later on as the competition narrows down. The subject matter of contributions is not to be limited to College topics, but will include world topics of the day. Four positions are now open in the editorial department. Those who survive the present competition will be eligible to compete for the position of editorial chairman.
This competition is open to members of 1921 and 1922. It will consist of taking pictures of College activities. Candidates are here given an opportunity to get in touch with all the undergraduate interests, especially the spring sports. The CRIMSON'S photographic dark-room, with complete developing and printing equipment, will be used. Plates and films are supplied. The competition is decided on the number of photographs published in the bi-weekly pictorial supplement and general usefulness to the paper. Previous photographic experience is of assistance to candidates, but is not essential. Photographic editors are eligible for the position of photographic chairman.
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