Arrangements for the Southern baseball trip during the Easter vacation next spring have been completed. The plan, very similar to that which the Yale authorities have agreed upon, is to send the nine direct to Atlanta, Georgia, where they will spend the four or five days of their stay in intensive training and in playing games with Georgia Tech, the University of Georgia, and probably Oglethorp University.
The Georgia Tech manager has offered the nine the privilege of using their diamond for practice and the use of the University gymnasium on days when the weather will not permit outdoor workouts.
Stay at Georgian Terrace
Although arrangements have not been completed, it is very probable that the baseball squad will stay at the Hotel Georgian Terrace while in Atlanta, and with the advantage of the regular training table and a chance to put in a week of intensive training, the nine should be able this season to meet the stronger Southern teams without the disadvantage of lack of practice which has caused so many early season defeats in the past. A trip of this kind, although never tried before at the University, has much in its favor, as it will give the team a chance to train where there is a reasonable chance of the weather being favorable.
Coach Slattery, in speaking of this plan, declared that at the end of the vacation the nine would be several weeks further advanced in its development than it would be if it followed its usual plan of going only as far south as Virginia.
The team will leave Cambridge on Saturday, April the 16th, and will arrive in Atlanta Sunday night. On the return trip, a game will be played with Columbia at New York on the 23d, and an attempt made to revenge the defeat which was sustained last year.
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