James Keating, special envoy from Czecho-Slovakia to the United States will speak this evening at 8.15 o'clock in the Trophy Room of the Union. His subject will be "Czecho-Slovakia: the European Outpost Against Bolshevism."
Mr. Keating's official position is Consultant to the Bureau of National Information, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Czecho-Slovak Republic. He is an American by nationality, who went over to Europe, impelled by his interest in the new Republic. While there he became connected with the Bureau of National Information and has travelled all over the country since its creation by the Peace Conference. He has made a special study of the Czecho-Slovak constitution, which is generally regarded as the groundwork of the most advanced democracy in the world. In America he is lecturing on what he considers the merits and faults of the constitution and on the general condition of the country and the people of the new nation. His treatment of its economic state should be illuminating in cleaning up doubts raised by many conflicting reports.
Mr. Keating believes that Czecho-Slovakia, by virtue of the education and character of its people, and its geographical position, is holding Bolshevism at bay, and preventing its spread through Europe. To to this aspect of the importance of the country he will devote the major part of his address. It is expected that he will also touch on the relations of Czecho-Slovakia to Poland and Jugo-Slavia.
Preceding his speech at the Union, Mr. Keating is to dine at Lincoln's Inn as the guest of the Law School Club, and will deliver a short address to the students, then.
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