


Five hundred and ninety Freshmen are signed up at the office of the Department of Physical Education for winter athletic activities.

Squash and squash racquets are the most popular sports. At present 139 Freshmen are reporting at the University Squash Courts three times a week. Although it was originally the intention to assign all of these men to sections that meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it has proved to be impossible because the 13 courts available are not sufficient. Consequently those whose schedules permit have to come on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Winter crew ranks next in popularity with 107 men enrolled. These work out at the Newell Boathouse under the supervision of Coach William Haines and Coach Herbert Haines. The more experienced oarsmen are permitted to row in the tank; the others are assigned to the machines.

Continue Rowing Through Winter

It has now been decided to continue this rowing throughout the winter. However, during the period of the mid-year examinations, it will be voluntary instead of compulsory. The coaches will be in the building to give instruction every weekday afternoon from about 2 until 5 o'clock.


Basketball is well under way at the Freshman Athletic Building with 56 candidates practicing. The men on the regular squad work out under Coach Wachter every afternoon from 5 until 6 o'clock. R. B. Miller Sp. has charge of the others, who practice from 4 to 5 o'clock three times a week.

At present the yearling track men are exercising in the Hemenway Gymnasium with the University squad under the supervision of Coach Surbeck. In all, 53 runners and field event men are signed up for this activity.

Coach Conley has charge of the 43 boxers. Inasmuch as so many upper-classmen wish to join the boxing classes held during the latter part of the afternoon, the majority of the Freshmen have been assigned to the earlier ones and report from 1 o'clock on.

Sixty Reporting for Swimming

A total of 60 yearlings are taking swimming as exercise. Of these, 17 are on the Freshman swimming squad, which practices with the University squad in the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank. The others are men who are receiving swimming instruction in the Big Tree Swimming Pool. Due to a lack of facilities, it has been impossible to permit men who know how to swim and yet were not expert enough to make the regular squad, to sign up for swimming.

Thirty-eight indoor baseball aspirants are playing games in the Freshman Athletic Building under the supervision of R. B. Miller Sp. Soon the regular indoor series between the dormitories will commence. Points scored by the winner will count toward the winter interdormitory championship.

The summary: Squash,  139 Winter crew,  107 Basketball,  56 Track,  53 Boxing,  43 Swimming (compulsory),  43 Swimming squad,  17 Indoor baseball,  38 Hockey,  28 Wrestling,  22 5 o'clock gym class,  20 Handball,  13 Gym team,  6 Fencing,  5 Total,  590
