After a lapse of some years, announcement has been made of the reopening of the University Typewriting Bureau, under the direction of the Student Employment Office. The Bureau is now prepared to do stenographic work, law briefs and reports, theses, themes, medical theses and reports, and other typewriting work of all kinds. Special machines have been installed to handle any mathematical and scientific work.
There are several points about the work of the Typewriting Bureau which make it a particularly attractive service to students or officers of the University. The first of these is the fact that the Bureau has a large staff of students experienced in shorthand and typewriting and thoroughly cognizant of the form of presentation and other technicalities of University work. Another is the accuracy and speed (one day service being given at only a slightly increased charge), with which the work will be done, while a third point is the reasonableness of the charges, which are below any professional establishment of this type in Cambridge.
The charge for this service will be 50 cents per 1000 words, with 40 percent addition for carbon copy work. All work may be left in special boxes on the first floor of University Hall or in the reading room of Langdoll Hall; in the Student Employment office, 9 University Hall; and, at any time during the day or night, in Randolph 5.
Arrangements can be made to have a representative of the Bureau call at any student's room to take shorthand dictation by applying to Laurence D. Yont 2L., Manager, at 9 University Hall, between 9 and 10 o'clock daily. Further details concerning this service may also be obtained at this time and place.
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