

New Members Should Report at 6 to be Registered

The annual winter dinner of the University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union this evening at 6.30 o'clock. The new members will arrive at 6 to be registered. At 6.30, the Recording Secretary will read an historical sketch of the Society, to be followed by the presentation of the keys by President Lowell.

The dinner proper will start about 7 o'clock. Professor F. W. Taussig '79, President of the Chapter, will preside, and the speakers will be President Lowell, President Eliot, Dean W. B. Donham '98 of the Business School, Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham '86 of the Board of Overseers, Professor W. G. Howard '91, Corresponding Secretary of the Chapter, and H. D. Smith '21, for the undergraduates.

All members of the University Chapter, and members of other Chapters who are residing in Cambridge are invited to dinner. The former, who have signified their intention of coming by postal card, may purchase their tickets at the door. All others should obtain tickets in advance from Professor Howard at 39 Kirkland street, or from H. D. Smith at the Crimson Building. Only a limited number of tickets are left. The price of the dinner will be $2.50. Informal dress will be worn.
