Princeton has already begun to make preparations for next year's football season. At a recent meeting which fifty candidates attended, Coach Roper said that Princeton this year was represented by one of the greatest teams in the history of the university, and that the Orange and Black expects to have a wonderful team in 1921 because of the return of this year's stars.
Although Princeton's football schedule has not been officially announced as yet, it is reported that the University of Chicago will play in the Palmer Stadium next year in mid-October starting a home-and-home agreement to be continued next year with an invasion of Chicago by the Orange and Black.
Lourie at Chicago
This will be the first intersectional battle in which Princeton has ever been engaged. Don Lourie, who starred at quarterback this autumn, and who is slated for the same position next fall, went out to Chicago and saw Coach Stagg's Maroon eleven in their final game of the 1920 season while most of the other Princeton players were occupying sideline seats at the Harvard-Yale game. As a consequence, the Orange and Black strategists have reliable information on which to base their future plans of offense and defense for this game. Chicago has missed out in the Conference title for several years but Stagg can always be counted on to turn out a first-class team. Ohio beat the Maroon by a scant one point this fall.
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