In opening the discussion of the "Types of Socialism," held under the auspices of the Student Liberal Club in the Living Room of the Union last night before a large audience which closely followed every word of the three speakers, Harry W. Laidler, Ph.D., Columbia, said that the greatest movement of the day was that on the part of the people toward industrial democracy and that the aim of the socialists, for which he spoke, was the public ownership of all industries producing the necessities of life. After pointing out the difference between the average socialist and the guild socialist, he outlined the four tactical paths through which the Socialist Party is working to procure its ends, namely, through the unification of the separated movements for democratic control; through the gradual gaining of legislative control, with an organized Labor Party as a background; through the combining of consumers in cooperative organizations to control wholesale and retail trades; and through education, with attention also to the lessons of European experience.
No Democracy With Classes
Dr. Antolnette F. Konikow, the speaker for the Communist Labor Party, showed that the modern state existed solely because of the existence of classes and that there could be no real democracy until classes ceased to exist. She called upon the capitalists, who control the people today, to admit frankly that we have no democracy and upon the Socialist Party to stop deceiving the people by showing the possibilities of Parliamentary action, which, she claimed, was obviously impossible because capitalists and present conditions were against it. The communists were followers of Karl Marx in desiring through direct action the dictatorship of the proletariat, which, though not a true democracy, was a far wider system than any of the present time.
Reorganization With Peace
The establishing of a new society within the shell of the old by the organization of individual units, which would give control of industry by those who operate it; and by the cooperation of each and all in some effort useful to society, was the substance of the I. W. W. program, according to J. T., or "Red" Doran, the last speaker of the evening. The I. W. W. would also abolish the "master and slave" conditions produced by the wages system and cut out the economic waste in the country, and all these ends would be accomplished by the direct action of exercising the force of economic power at the point of production--not the direct action of the "club" of violence. After showing the difference between the A. F. of L. and the I. W. W., he said that it was, in his opinion, the spiritual force of the religion of humanity that was the energizing influence in the work of the I. W. W., and he stated emphatically that the I. W. W. held a program of peace and the regulation of industry for the use and interest of society as a whole.
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