


Plans for a season of increased activity and interest are now being completed by the University Wireless Club. During the fall, the club's apparatus and effects have been moved from the Union to new quarters on the lower floor of Westmorely. The new station, which is reached by a special entrance on Bow street, is being fitted up as a comfortable club room where files of the leading radio periodicals and pictures of other stations and apparatus may be found. It is planned to have a series of meetings here, with talks by men prominent in the radio and electrical world, during the winter. The first of these will be held immediately after the vacation and will be open to all interested members of the University.

With the completion of the installation of a new Washington and Cutting transmitting set, recently presented to the club by a former member, the club will be in a position to take messages for transmission to all parts of the country, with the cooperation of other stations associated with it in a national relay league. It has arranged, therefore, to have a commercial operator on duty every evening, beginning after the holidays.

Before the war, the club was little but a relay station and the plans for its development which began with a series of lectures by men prominent in radio activities, were blocked by the enlistment of the majority of its members in the radio service. With its now station and apparatus, its progressive plans, and with a number of members, including several commercial operators, however, the club now looks forward to a period, of renewed growth.
