

Basketball Popular With Interest Centred on Alexander Memorial Cup Contest

The preliminary hockey season at Princeton is well under way. The university team held its first practice of the year in the Philadelphia Ice Palace last week, and although there was little awkwardness at first, men showed up well.

Eight members of last year's squad are now available: Corcoran, Ebrit, Haight, Knox, Merritt, Mitchell and Tallman. With this nucleus of experienced material on h and, there should be little difficulty in picking a well balanced team.

The schedule follows: January 8, Fordham at New York; January 22, Yale at Philadelphia; January 29, Harvard at Boston; February 19, Yale at Boston; February 25, Penn at Philadelphia; March 5, Dartmouth at Philadelphia.

Mat Men Hard at It

The university wrestlers are practicing dally, under the supervision of the newly appointed coach, Gus Schoenstein of Baltimore, better known to wrestling fans as "Americus."


There has not yet been sufficient competition within the team to determine the outstanding stars, although Captain Carpenter and Morrison of last year's yearling team, have shown the best form to date.

Dr. Sugraman, coach of the basketball team, has been laying great emphasis on the elimination of fouls, and in the development of team play. Captain Netts and Ople have been playing a particularly fast game, working well together in clever relays of the ball down the floor.

At present, Caoch Sugarman is drilling the team in his short-pass system, which he hopes will make a championship team of his outfit.

Later in the season, as at New Haven, interest will center in the winning of the first leg of the competition for the Arthur Alexander Memorial Cup.
