

Offer 10,000 Francs for Essay Prize

Mr. Henry peartree, one of the founders and a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce in France, has donated to the Chamber the sum of 10,000 francs as a prize fund, to be distributed in equal shares this year and next, for the best essay or treatise on the subject of "Toleration," economic, political or religious. All members of the University are eligible for this prize.

Mr. Peartree's object in creating this fund is to draw attention to this subject, which he believes is one of the fundamental elements of human happiness and progress. He also hopes that this contest will result in the offering of other similar prizes so that persons may be stimulated from time to time to use this means of expressing thoughts explanatory of what "Toleration" really means in economic, political and religious relations.

The treatises may deal with the subject from every point of view or with any part, phase or aspect of it. Those treatises receiving the prizes will be placed in the library of the Chamber; while others of merit selected by the jury will also be placed in the library, provided the authors consent.

The papers, written in French or English, not exceeding 10,000 words (but not necessarily of so great a length), should be addressed to the American Chamber of Commerce in France, 82 rue Talbout, Parls, not later than March 1st, 1921, for this year's prize, and not later than December 31st, 1921, for next year's. The packages should be marked "Toleration Prize Essay and each paper should bear the name and address of the author.
