

College Delegates Meet at Two-Day Session at Rand School, in New York City

A two-day intercollegiate conference on labor and radical movements, to which the Student Liberal Club is to send a delegation, has been called by the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, to be held simultaneously with the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Society. All members of the University who are interested in the fundamental social questions of the day are invited to take part in the conference to be held during the Christmas holidays.

An executive session, held--as all meetings except the dinner are to be--in the auditorium of the Rand School of Social Science, 7 East 15th street, New York City, featured by an address by Arthur Gleason, Yale, the President of the Society, will open the conference on Wednesday afternoon, December 29th, at 2.30 o'clock. Roger Baldwin '05 and Harry W. Laidler, Ph.D., Columbia, will then discuss the year's activities and the new program of the Society. Reports from a large number of delegates from colleges all over the country will follow.

The convention dinner will be held in the Yorkville Casino, 210 East 86th street, at 6.30 o'clock on Wednesday evening. "Is Capitalism Collapsing?" is to be the subject for discussion after the dinner, and among the speakers will be Morris Hillquit, Scott Nearing, Lincoln Steffens, and a defender of capitalism.

Methods of stimulating interest in the labor and radical movement in the colleges will be considered in a discussion, led by Evans Clark, at the session on Thursday morning, December 30th. That afternoon a question box session on "Industrial Revolution in Theory and Practice," with Lewis Gannett as chairman, will occupy the members of the convention. The theory and practice of the main groups working for workers' control of industry will be set forth briefly by representatives of these groups, such as Jessie Wallace Hughan, Robert Minor, J. T. "(Red") Dofan, and Joseph Schlossberg.

The final event of the convention will be a reception to delegates and guests on Thursday evening. Ten-minute talks will be given on the actual service that has been rendered by college men in radical and labor movements, and the possibilities for the future, by an interesting list of speakers. Tickets for the dinner, at $2 each, and any further information may be secured at the headquarters of the Society, room 931, 70 Fifth avenue, New York City.
