A four-man team will represent the University in the 28th Annual Intercollegiate Chess Tournament to be held in New York City at the Manhattan Chess Club on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month. Four Eastern universities will be represented in the games to be played between the hours of 2 and 6, and 8 and 10 of these dates, with a time limit of 36 moves in the first two hours, and 18 moves an hour thereafter. Any game not finished within the limit will be adjudicated unless the contestants agree to finish on the scheduled date.
The University will meet Columbia on the first day, while Yale is playing Princeton; Princeton on the second day when Yale opposes Columbia; and Yale on the last day as Columbia meets Princeton. Up to 1908 the University had won many of the tournaments, but since then Columbia, started on its way by Capablanca, present chess champion of the world, who played on its team for two seasons, has taken most of the honors and is expected to do so this year as well.
The team which will represent the University is made up as follows: 1, K. O. Mott-Smith '22, captain; 2, H. H. Jackson '22; 3, A. King '24; and 4, J. H. Hack '22.
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