


Soccer prospects for next year indicate that the team in 1921-22 will be far superior to the one which represented the University in this season which has just closed with the Pennsylvania game. The schedule this year has proved uniformly disastrous for the eleven, as it was beaten in all of its league games except that with Yale, in which it drew a tie.

Princeton Forced to Overtime

However, the team showed marked improvement as the season progressed, and most of the defeats were by close scores at the hands of teams who were, previous to the game, conceded larger margins of victory. Princeton was able to secure a victory only by forcing the game to go into overtime periods; the Pennsylvania game was won by the Red and Blue in the last few minutes of play, as was the contest with Cornell.

The University eleven finished at the bottom rung of the league ladder this year, however, in spite of the fact that it showed itself to be a team that in many years would be worthy of a better standing. At present, Pennsylvania and Princeton are the two contestants for the league championship; Penn having to defeat Haverford before it can meet the Tiger eleven. This game should be an easy victory for the Penn team, on the strength of past performances, but in case of an unexpected defeat, Princeton will win the intercollegiate title.

Good Material Available


If no other men except those who graduate this year are lost, there will be an abundance of very excellent material on hand next year from which to pick the team; many of the most promising players will be those who were on the Freshman team this season. In the forward line two regulars, R. R. Weaver '21 and E. Damon '21 will be lost by graduation, as will be the two fullbacks, E. E. Allen '21 and G. N. Carpenter '21, Captain C. E. Masters '21, halfback, and also W. G. Cummings '21, at goal.

The absence of these men, however,

will not be felt as keenly as it would if this year's Freshman eleven was not available to replace them. W. N. Tuttle and H. Eldridge of the yearling soccer squad will be strong contenders for the forward line next season, and the regulars will have to show more ability than they did this year to keep those men from ousting them from their positions. A. V. Byington and F. M. Seamans have also distinguished themselves by their play as forwards, and with L. C. Keyes, J. E. Molena and K. I. Hutchinson 1E.S., should materially strengthen the squad. L. F. Brigham, who played goal for the Freshmen, will probably be counted upon to fill the place left vacant by W. G. Cummings '21.

Heizer Individual Star

In the games played by the eleven this last season, R. Heizer '23, by his spectacular work in every contest, has shown himself to be the individual star of the team. Besides being the highest point scorer, he has proved himself an invaluable man on the defense. Captain C. maining games will be held in Cambridge. Masters '21 and Captain-elect C. Heath '22, both halfbacks, have also shown themselves to be players possessed of notable cleverness, skill and speed. G. N. Carpenter '21 was also a great aid to the team, his placement kicks more than once pulling his side out of a tight hole.

Next year the team will play its regular schedule of league games. The Princeton and Cornell games only will be played away from home, while the remaining games will be held in Cambridge
